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Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid

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Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid Empty Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid

Post by Admin Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:05 pm

This is a major victory, with far implications.


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Join date : 2023-12-08

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Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid Empty Re: Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid

Post by Admin Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:11 pm

Prince Harry’s phone hacking victory is a landmark in the long saga of British tabloid misconduct
Prince Harry’s victory against Mirror Group Newspapers on Friday over what a British judge called “habitual” illegal activity is a landmark moment in the long and twisting saga of lawbreaking by Britain’s tabloid press.

Judge Timothy Fancourt ruled that Mirror newspapers had hired private investigators to snoop for personal information and engaged in illegal phone hacking for well over a decade.

It’s the latest chapter in a tale of tabloid power and attempts to tame it stretching back years — but it’s unlikely to be the end of the story.
Prince Harry Wins Case Against British Tabloid Image17


Posts : 474
Join date : 2023-12-08

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